So we decided that the only way to celebrate Halloween this year (and escape careers and homework) was to head out to Disneyland. Frankly the only way to properly celebrate/avoid anything is to head out to Disneyland, but that's a different topic. The really great part is that our friends actually agreed with our train of thought which helped us find a ride to California (thanks again Bodie and Tina!).
These are looks of fear, not joy and excitement. Space Mountain was haunted, you see. McKinnen vowed to never go again. At least this trip.
It seems that most everyone else avoids water lines when it rains. Doesn't make sense to me, but so be it. As a result we rode Splash an unprecedented three times without getting off the ride!
My life is now complete.
Misha satisfies her lead foot.
Liam enjoys the views of Fantasyland.
At 5 pm, my shoes are not yet dry.
I carved these myself.
I'm still not sure what Mickey was for Halloween, but I'm digging the costume.
The best way to start the morning is on Dumbo. I have yet to find anyone, other that Curt, to disagree with me.
This is the Tea Cup for those with iron stomachs or no common sense.
This one's a little more tame.
This one doesn't move at all. Smart choice Boey.
Is this what the future Disneyland holds for me?
Costumes in Disneyland. Need I say more?
We're in the back row, if you can't spot us.
Mailing postcards from the park has become one of my favorite traditions.
2 reactions:
Great post Numan- way to be first to post! Ours should be up in a few days.
SQUUEEE!! Hooray for Disneyland! Love the pictures, and the costumes! 12 months until the trip with the family. Hopefully I can get there sooner than that! *sigh*
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