Misha and I were walking Saturday night (I guess we don't have much of a life) and the weather was wonderful. It seems to me that Summer is dying. Thank you. As you know, I can't stand the heat. If the sun didn't sustain life, I would vote to blow it up. So, here's a look back at some of the cooler moments in my stinking hot summer (and an excuse to catch up on months of blogging).
Misha and I started our summer in Seattle. The Space Needle is tall. And you can walk around the top of it. We saw (and I ate) fish, avoided Starbucks at every turn in the city (until Misha needed a glass of milk), and had the greatest donuts ever. Misha was even able to shop. I stood on the sidewalk. That store was waaay too pink for a guy to set foot in.
When we got back from Seattle, we decided that we were bored with the apartment. So we moved into a townhouse in North Salt Lake. It's only a 20 min drive from where we used to live, work, and basically do everything. In theory, anyway. If you would like to visit, you head down Construction Freeway, over Construction Overpass and then take the Construction Exit. From there you take a left at the light on Construction Street. At the stop sign turn right on Finally Out of Construction Road before turning left into our complex, "Don't Park on the Street Neighborhood." We really like it here. (Honestly, we do.)
After living here for a month we're still not sure where to place the living room furniture. I'm pretty sure we're comfortable with where the garbage can is, so that's a start.
To escape unpacking in the house, we distracted ourselves on the 4th of July at Curt and Charity's annual celebration. Once again, Dan and Steve taught their children the importance of combing legal fireworks to create a more dangerous environment than illegal fireworks do. God bless America.
To continue avoiding unpacking, Misha and I also attended the 24th of July Parade. It was just like every other year that we have ever attended with two major highlights:
To end the hottest part of the summer, Jake and Andrea took their family camping and asked Misha and I to come up for dinner one night. That way I could make the peach cobbler for them. And they could enjoy our company, of course. They discovered that Boston really likes dirt, their tent is big enough to include their dog, Mom and Dad have fun encouraging Boston to like the dirt (thus the smiles), and Misha isn't the biggest camper (thus the lack of smile).
All in all it's been a good summer. I bid it fair well.
Who want's to go to Disneyland?
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