"When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships." -Andy Warhol



I have to thank Curt for introducing me to this guy, Matt. I’ve become somewhat obsessed with him. I have quickly learned, however, not to tell too many people that. It seems that I’m the only one reading so much into what he has done. Where I see someone fulfilling a dream and uniting people from around the world, dissolving differences between cultures and removing boundaries, most everyone else I have shared the video with sees poor dancing. I think Misha is afraid too. I keep telling her that we now have to dance everywhere we go. She won’t listen to me, no matter how much I keep telling her it could bring world peace. What can I do?
(click the photo if you don't know what I'm talking about)

1 reactions:

Tina said...

Just ask Misha.. 'Yo Jana wanna dance' (say it in your best home boy accent) and see what line you will get next. We both are allergic.